This is a very useful information. Please pass it on to your friends and family....... .......especially the women folk!
The next time you are stopped by persons who claimed they are plain clothes police, you are under no obligation to answer their questions or follow their orders, lawyers told Malaysiakini today. 'Policeman who is not wearing his uniform does not have the authority to stop anyone,' lawyer and human rights activist Sivarasa Rasiah said.
Sivarasa was commenting on the alleged gang-rape of an 18-year-old Uni student by four men claiming to be police officers on New Year's Eve. The girl said that her car was stopped in Taman Tun Dr Ismail in Kuala Lumpur and were asked by the men to open the car bonnet. She was then told that she had committed an offence and ordered to follow the men to a police station. The girl was driven in her car along the North-South expressway to the Tapah-Cameron Highlands road before she was raped in an oil palm estate.
This incident, and many others, have sparked confusion over the procedures which motorists must follow when flagged down by the police. The most common problem is that most people take instructions without determining if the other person is really a cop,' lawyer Annie Santiago said. However, if you are stopped by a uniformed policeman, then you are required to stop. But you need not get out of the car because you are not expected to do so, Santiago said. He other rule to follow is to provide your identity card only when you are asked to do so.
'Even then, you should get his ID first to confirm if he is a cop. There is no harm in calling the relevant police station to verify if he is supposed to be on duty that day,' Sivarasa said. Both lawyers said that motorists should never follow an officer to the police station unless one is under arrest . 'If you are not sure, and your instincts tell you that something is wrong, then drive off to the nearest police station and lodge a report,' Sivarasa said. In response to the alleged gang-rape of the 18-year-old, Women's Aid Organisation executive-secretary Ivy Josiah called on the police to launch an education program to teach the public about their rights to prevent them from being victimised by bogus police officers.
Procedures to follow in the event you are stopped by uniformed police Officers while driving:
1. Stop the car and wind down your window a little down will do - just wide enough to pass your's or his's identity card to avoid the 'bogus' cop's hand from opening your car door or grab you !
2. If the police officers ask for your documents, request to see their IDs first.
3. If you are satisfied about their identity, ask them if you are being summoned, and for what offense.
4. Produce your identity card and driver's license and wait to collect your summon ticket.
In the event that the police officers ask you to follow them to the police station:
1. Ask if you are under arrest and for what offense.
2. If you are not under arrest, you have the right to leave. In the event you are flagged down by persons you believe could be plain clothes police:
1. Do not stop because plain clothes police officers do not have the authority to stop you.
2. Drive to the nearest police station and lodge a report. (The same procedure applies to pedestrians)
In the event the police come to your house:
1. Do not let them in before checking their IDs.
2. If you are not satisfied, phone the nearest police station and confirm if they had been sent to your house.
3. You are under no obligation to allow them into the house if they don't have a search warrant. 4. Do not go with them if you are not under arrest.
In the event persons who claimed to be plain clothes police who come to your house: 1. Do not let him in because they do not have the authority to do so. 2.. Lodge a report at the nearest police station.
Sharing is Caring....
HARI-HARI SEMALAM YANG MENINGGALKAN BERJUTA KENANGAN.... Untuk kengkawan yang rindukan hari semalam...
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Salam Semua,
Amacam , hensem tak saya ? Aaaa.... Kalau nak tahu inilah Action Plan Saya dalam mengejar impian serta azam tahun baru 2011.. Nak turun berat kepada 80 KG.. Boy Jangan cemburu ya.. sekarang aku dah pun 88 kg.. Semenjak balik dari kenduri rumah hang tu lah .. aku dah nekad kan azam ni..masa tu untuk pengetahuan hang berat aku 102 bermakna dah dekat 14 kg turun sehingga hari ni..

Boy, kau tengok ni ada tak gaya macam M KUMARESAN.....? bukan M Perasan ya..hangpa jangan silap pulak...
Saja je nak kongsi dengan kengkawan semua, sambil kita berbasikal , boleh juga pi tengok Kambing, .. Ya awat hangpa terkejut!!! .... Tak percaya ke ?? tengok gambar kat bawah ni....
So, selain tu, untuk memotivate.. kan diri kita dalam mengejar azam dan impian sebergini ...kenalah ada KM tracking meter ni.. barulah orang kata ada Gaya.... yang putih sebelah tu bukan loceng ... macam zaman kita kat kem dulu.....

So , kat bawah ni ada aku sediakan prove map jalan yang aku cover hari ni... Apps dia ni namanya ialah cyctastic... Kita boleh download dalam I Phone...

So kepada yang rasa ada cerita yang ingin di kongsi bersama-sama untuk pengalaman hidup hangpa..silekan lah...
Amacam , hensem tak saya ? Aaaa.... Kalau nak tahu inilah Action Plan Saya dalam mengejar impian serta azam tahun baru 2011.. Nak turun berat kepada 80 KG.. Boy Jangan cemburu ya.. sekarang aku dah pun 88 kg.. Semenjak balik dari kenduri rumah hang tu lah .. aku dah nekad kan azam ni..masa tu untuk pengetahuan hang berat aku 102 bermakna dah dekat 14 kg turun sehingga hari ni..

Boy, kau tengok ni ada tak gaya macam M KUMARESAN.....? bukan M Perasan ya..hangpa jangan silap pulak...

So , kat bawah ni ada aku sediakan prove map jalan yang aku cover hari ni... Apps dia ni namanya ialah cyctastic... Kita boleh download dalam I Phone...

Bawah ni pulak berapa kalories yg aku dah burn kan..... Boy aku ingat hang kena start cepat-cepat ... barulah banyak kalories boleh di bakar...hahahaha...

So kepada yang rasa ada cerita yang ingin di kongsi bersama-sama untuk pengalaman hidup hangpa..silekan lah...
ps : HB jangan mare ya.....
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Salam & Selamat Sejahtera...
Baru menerima SMS, En Khulai De Faisal bin Ishak berada di Hospital Tawakal sekarang... Menurut SMS tersebut beliau baru saja menjalani pembedahan lututnya semalam.. Walaubagaimana pun pembedahan itu telah selamat dan berjaya dilakukan...
Jadi.. sekiranya sahabat-sahabat ada masa yang terluang bolehlah melawat rakan kita ni di Hospital Tawakal di wad nombor 816.. sambil menyeloroh, kata nya jangan lupa bawa buah epal..
Berita ini di sahkan benar apabila pihak moderator menerima gambar di tempat kejadian sebentar tadi...
Baru menerima SMS, En Khulai De Faisal bin Ishak berada di Hospital Tawakal sekarang... Menurut SMS tersebut beliau baru saja menjalani pembedahan lututnya semalam.. Walaubagaimana pun pembedahan itu telah selamat dan berjaya dilakukan...
Jadi.. sekiranya sahabat-sahabat ada masa yang terluang bolehlah melawat rakan kita ni di Hospital Tawakal di wad nombor 816.. sambil menyeloroh, kata nya jangan lupa bawa buah epal..
Berita ini di sahkan benar apabila pihak moderator menerima gambar di tempat kejadian sebentar tadi...
So.. nasihat moderator kepada sahabat kita ni...cukup-cukup lah bersukan tu.. tak payah lah nak main bola macam nak masuk Piala AFF Suzuki dah.. dah tua dah pun.... carilah sukan yang lebih sesuai dengan umur .... atau lebih sesuai menari POCO-POCO dengan orang rumah .. kan lebih berfaedah sambil boleh bermesra-mesra...hahaha...
Sekian lapuran untuk hari ni...
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Apa khabar kengkawan ?
Assalamualaikum... dan apa khabar kengkawan.. ? Sihat ke.. dah sakit ke... makin maju ke.. begitulah hendaknya... Tengok lama sangat sunyi dan sepi , kat sini aku cubalah untuk memecahkan kesunyian yang ada.. Maklumlah sekarang ni memanglah teramat sunyi , cuma anak jantan aku yang duorang tu penawar hati.. Itu pun macam2 kerenah... maklumlah Ma dia takde outstation for one week . Besok rasa-rasanya hari yang penuh getir untuk di hadapi.. Itulah kengkadang kita ni always take for granted.. Anyway, harap2 besok boleh sediakan breakfast si Akiff tu yang kadang2 nak scramble egglah, burgerlah, nugget... di waktu pagi yang singkat ni. So far alhamdulillah diorang takdelah teringat sangat kat Ma dia, risau jugak kalau dok sibuk tanya pasal tu.. OK lah... apakah kengkawan masih sibuk lagi... jika ya.. mungkin blog ini akan terus sunyi.. Walau apapun jika ada apa cerita kongsilah dengan kengkawan lain... ingat tahun ni semuanya menuju ke angka 42... oopss dah melalut ke cerita lain... cukuplah dulu nukilan dari aku yang memang tengah sunyi..
Untuk saudara Azlan .. semoga berbahagia di hari jadi yang ke 42. Lan atau lebih dikenali dengan nama Lan Bongek seorang yang peramah dan rajin menolong kengkawan lain. Maka di hari yang bahagia ini kami mendoakan agar semua harapan dan doa Lan tercapai hendaknya.
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